// source --> https://www.paxos-thalassatravel.com/wp-content/plugins/opal-estate-pro/assets/js/frontend/googlemaps.js?ver=1.6.9 ;( function ( $, settings ) { 'use strict'; if ( window.Opalestate === undefined ) { window.Opalestate = {}; } /** * GooglemapSearch */ var GooglemapSingle = Opalestate.GooglemapSingle = function ( data, id ) { /** * Create Google Map In Single Property Only */ var initializePropertyMap = function ( data, id ) { var propertyMarkerInfo = data; var enable = true; var url = propertyMarkerInfo.icon; var size = new google.maps.Size( 42, 57 ); var allMarkers = []; var setMapOnAll = function ( markers, map ) { for ( var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++ ) { markers[ i ].setMap( map ); } }; // retina if ( window.devicePixelRatio > 1.5 ) { if ( propertyMarkerInfo.retinaIcon ) { url = propertyMarkerInfo.retinaIcon; size = new google.maps.Size( 83, 113 ); } } var propertyLocation = new google.maps.LatLng( propertyMarkerInfo.latitude, propertyMarkerInfo.longitude ); var propertyMapOptions = { center: propertyLocation, zoom: 15, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, scrollwheel: false }; if ( ( typeof opalestateGmap !== 'undefined' ) ) { switch ( opalestateGmap.style ) { case 'standard': propertyMapOptions.styles = GoogleMapStyles.standard; break; case 'silver': propertyMapOptions.styles = GoogleMapStyles.silver; break; case 'retro': propertyMapOptions.styles = GoogleMapStyles.retro; break; case 'dark': propertyMapOptions.styles = GoogleMapStyles.dark; break; case 'night': propertyMapOptions.styles = GoogleMapStyles.night; break; case 'aubergine': propertyMapOptions.styles = GoogleMapStyles.aubergine; break; case 'custom': if ( opalestateGmap.custom_style != '' ) { propertyMapOptions.styles = $.parseJSON( opalestateGmap.custom_style ); } break; } } var propertyMap = new google.maps.Map( document.getElementById( id ), propertyMapOptions ); var createMarker = function ( position, icon ) { var image = { url: icon, size: size, scaledSize: new google.maps.Size( 32, 57 ), origin: new google.maps.Point( 0, 0 ), anchor: new google.maps.Point( 21, 56 ) }; var _marker = new google.maps.Marker( { map: propertyMap, position: position, icon: image } ); return _marker; }; var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); createMarker( propertyLocation, url ); /** * Places near with actived types */ if ( enable ) { var $navs = $( '#' + id ).parent().find( '.property-search-places' ); $( ' .btn-map-search', $navs ).unbind( 'click' ).bind( 'click', function () { var service = new google.maps.places.PlacesService( propertyMap ); var type = $( this ).data( 'type' ); var $this = $( this ).parent(); var icon = { url: opalesateJS.mapiconurl + $( this ).data( 'icon' ), scaledSize: new google.maps.Size( 28, 28 ), anchor: new google.maps.Point( 21, 16 ), origin: new google.maps.Point( 0, 0 ) }; if ( !allMarkers[ type ] || allMarkers[ type ].length <= 0 ) { var markers = []; var bounds = propertyMap.getBounds(); var $this = $( this ); service.nearbySearch( { location: propertyLocation, radius: 2000, bounds: bounds, type: type }, callbackNearBy ); function callbackNearBy( results, status ) { if ( status === google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus.OK ) { for ( var i = 0; i < results.length; i++ ) { createMarkerNearBy( results[ i ] ); } $( '.nearby-counter', $this ).remove(); $( 'span', $this ) .append( $( '' + markers.length + '' ) ); allMarkers[ type ] = markers; } } function abc() { if ( status === google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus.OK ) { for ( var i = 0; i < results.length; i++ ) { var place = results[ i ]; var marker = new google.maps.Marker( { map: propertyMap, position: place.geometry.location, icon: icon, visible: true } ); marker.setMap( propertyMap ); google.maps.event.addListener( marker, 'click', function () { infowindow.setContent( place.name ); infowindow.open( propertyMap, this ); } ); markers.push( marker ); } $( '.nearby-counter', $this ).remove(); $( 'span', $this ) .append( $( '' + markers.length + '' ) ); allMarkers[ type ] = markers; } } function createMarkerNearBy( place ) { var placeLoc = place.geometry.location; var marker = new google.maps.Marker( { map: propertyMap, position: place.geometry.location, icon: icon, visible: true } ); marker.setMap( propertyMap ); google.maps.event.addListener( marker, 'click', function () { infowindow.setContent( place.name ); infowindow.open( propertyMap, this ); } ); markers.push( marker ); } } else { for ( var i = 0; i < allMarkers[ type ].length; i++ ) { allMarkers[ type ][ i ].setMap( null ); } allMarkers[ type ] = []; } $( this ).toggleClass( 'active' ); } ); } }; initializePropertyMap( data, id ); }; var GoogleMapSearch = Opalestate.GooglemapSingle = function ( data ) { var initializePropertiesMap = function ( properties ) { // Properties Array var mapOptions = { zoom: 12, maxZoom: 16, scrollwheel: false, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, panControl: false, zoomControl: true, mapTypeControl: false, scaleControl: false, streetViewControl: true, overviewMapControl: false, zoomControlOptions: { style: google.maps.ZoomControlStyle.SMALL, position: google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_TOP }, streetViewControlOptions: { position: google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_TOP } }; if ( ( typeof opalestateGmap !== 'undefined' ) ) { switch ( opalestateGmap.style ) { case 'standard': mapOptions.styles = GoogleMapStyles.standard; break; case 'silver': mapOptions.styles = GoogleMapStyles.silver; break; case 'retro': mapOptions.styles = GoogleMapStyles.retro; break; case 'dark': mapOptions.styles = GoogleMapStyles.dark; break; case 'night': mapOptions.styles = GoogleMapStyles.night; break; case 'aubergine': mapOptions.styles = GoogleMapStyles.aubergine; break; case 'custom': if ( opalestateGmap.custom_style != '' ) { mapOptions.styles = $.parseJSON( opalestateGmap.custom_style ); } break; } } var map = new google.maps.Map( document.getElementById( 'opalestate-map-preview' ), mapOptions ); var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); // Loop to generate marker and infowindow based on properties array var markers = new Array(); for ( var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++ ) { var url = properties[ i ].icon; var size = new google.maps.Size( 42, 57 ); if ( window.devicePixelRatio > 1.5 ) { if ( properties[ i ].retinaIcon ) { url = properties[ i ].retinaIcon; size = new google.maps.Size( 83, 113 ); } } var image = { url: url, size: size, scaledSize: new google.maps.Size( 30, 51 ), origin: new google.maps.Point( 0, 0 ), anchor: new google.maps.Point( 21, 56 ) }; markers[ i ] = new google.maps.Marker( { position: new google.maps.LatLng( properties[ i ].lat, properties[ i ].lng ), map: map, icon: image, title: properties[ i ].title, animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP, visible: true } ); bounds.extend( markers[ i ].getPosition() ); var boxText = document.createElement( 'div' ); var pricelabel = ''; if ( properties[ i ].pricelabel ) { pricelabel = ' / ' + properties[ i ].pricelabel; } boxText.className = 'map-info-preview media'; function opalestate_get_property_icon( $key ) { var $icon = $key; switch ( $key ) { case 'builtyear': $icon = 'fas fa-calendar'; break; case 'parking': $icon = 'fas fa-car'; break; case 'bedrooms': $icon = 'fas fa-bed'; break; case 'bathrooms': $icon = 'fas fa-bath'; break; case 'plotsize': $icon = 'fas fa-map'; break; case 'areasize': $icon = 'fas fa-arrows-alt'; break; case 'orientation': $icon = 'fas fa-compass'; break; case 'livingrooms': $icon = 'fas fa-tv'; break; case 'kitchens': $icon = 'fas fa-utensils'; break; case 'amountrooms': $icon = 'fas fa-building'; break; default: $icon = $key; break; } return $icon; } var meta = ''; boxText.innerHTML = '
' + '' + properties[ i ].title +
                    '' + '' + properties[ i ].status + '
' + '
' + '
' + properties[ i ].title + '

' + properties[ i ].address + '

' + properties[ i ].pricehtml + pricelabel + '

' + meta + '
' + '
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marker.getPosition(); var markerScreenPosition = projection.fromLatLngToPoint( markerPosition ); var pointHalfScreenAbove = new google.maps.Point( markerScreenPosition.x, markerScreenPosition.y - offsety ); var aboveMarkerLatLng = projection.fromPointToLatLng( pointHalfScreenAbove ); map.setZoom( scale ); map.setCenter( aboveMarkerLatLng ); } return false; } ); map.fitBounds( bounds ); /* Marker Clusters */ var markerClustererOptions = { ignoreHidden: true, maxZoom: 14, styles: [ { textColor: '#000000', url: opalesateJS.mapiconurl + 'cluster-icon.png', height: 51, width: 30 } ] }; var markerClusterer = new MarkerClusterer( map, markers, markerClustererOptions ); function attachInfoBoxToMarker( map, marker, infoBox, i ) { google.maps.event.addListener( marker, 'click', function () { if ( $( '[data-related="map"]' ).filter( '[data-id="' + i + '"]' ).length > 0 ) { var $m = $( '[data-related="map"]' ).filter( '[data-id="' + i + '"]' ); $( '[data-related="map"]' ).removeClass( 'map-active' ); $m.addClass( 'map-active' ); } if ( last != null ) { last.close(); } var scale = Math.pow( 2, map.getZoom() ); var offsety = ( ( 100 / scale ) || 0 ); var projection = map.getProjection(); var markerPosition = marker.getPosition(); var markerScreenPosition = projection.fromLatLngToPoint( markerPosition ); var pointHalfScreenAbove = new google.maps.Point( markerScreenPosition.x, markerScreenPosition.y - offsety ); var aboveMarkerLatLng = projection.fromPointToLatLng( pointHalfScreenAbove ); map.setCenter( aboveMarkerLatLng ); infoBox.open( map, marker ); last = infoBox; } ); } }; initializePropertiesMap( data ); }; var GoogleMapStyles = { standard: [], silver: [ { 'elementType': 'geometry', 'stylers': [ { 'color': '#f5f5f5' } ] }, { 'elementType': 'labels.icon', 'stylers': [ { 'visibility': 'off' } ] }, { 'elementType': 'labels.text.fill', 'stylers': [ { 'color': '#616161' } ] }, { 'elementType': 'labels.text.stroke', 'stylers': [ { 'color': '#f5f5f5' } ] }, { 'featureType': 'administrative.land_parcel', 'elementType': 'labels.text.fill', 'stylers': [ { 'color': '#bdbdbd' } ] }, { 'featureType': 'poi', 'elementType': 'geometry', 'stylers': [ { 'color': '#eeeeee' } ] }, { 'featureType': 'poi', 'elementType': 'labels.text.fill', 'stylers': [ { 'color': '#757575' } ] }, { 'featureType': 'poi.park', 'elementType': 'geometry', 'stylers': [ { 'color': '#e5e5e5' } ] }, { 'featureType': 'poi.park', 'elementType': 'labels.text.fill', 'stylers': [ { 'color': '#9e9e9e' } ] }, { 'featureType': 'road', 'elementType': 'geometry', 'stylers': [ { 'color': '#ffffff' } ] }, { 'featureType': 'road.arterial', 'elementType': 'labels.text.fill', 'stylers': [ { 'color': '#757575' } ] }, { 'featureType': 'road.highway', 'elementType': 'geometry', 'stylers': [ { 'color': '#dadada' } ] }, { 'featureType': 'road.highway', 'elementType': 'labels.text.fill', 'stylers': [ { 'color': '#616161' } ] }, { 'featureType': 'road.local', 'elementType': 'labels.text.fill', 'stylers': [ { 'color': '#9e9e9e' } ] }, { 'featureType': 'transit.line', 'elementType': 'geometry', 'stylers': [ { 'color': '#e5e5e5' } ] }, { 'featureType': 'transit.station', 'elementType': 'geometry', 'stylers': [ { 'color': '#eeeeee' } ] }, { 'featureType': 'water', 'elementType': 'geometry', 'stylers': [ { 'color': '#c9c9c9' } ] }, { 'featureType': 'water', 'elementType': 'labels.text.fill', 'stylers': [ { 'color': '#9e9e9e' } ] } ], retro: [ { 'elementType': 'geometry', 'stylers': [ { 'color': '#ebe3cd' } ] }, { 'elementType': 'labels.text.fill', 'stylers': [ { 'color': '#523735' } ] }, { 'elementType': 'labels.text.stroke', 'stylers': [ { 'color': '#f5f1e6' } ] }, { 'featureType': 'administrative', 'elementType': 'geometry.stroke', 'stylers': [ { 'color': '#c9b2a6' } ] }, { 'featureType': 'administrative.land_parcel', 'elementType': 'geometry.stroke', 'stylers': [ { 'color': '#dcd2be' } ] }, { 'featureType': 'administrative.land_parcel', 'elementType': 'labels.text.fill', 'stylers': [ { 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'labels.text.stroke', 'stylers': [ { 'color': '#1d2c4d' } ] }, { 'featureType': 'transit.line', 'elementType': 'geometry.fill', 'stylers': [ { 'color': '#283d6a' } ] }, { 'featureType': 'transit.station', 'elementType': 'geometry', 'stylers': [ { 'color': '#3a4762' } ] }, { 'featureType': 'water', 'elementType': 'geometry', 'stylers': [ { 'color': '#0e1626' } ] }, { 'featureType': 'water', 'elementType': 'labels.text.fill', 'stylers': [ { 'color': '#4e6d70' } ] } ] }; ///// $( document ).ready( function () { function initialize_property_street_view( data, id ) { var propertyMarkerInfo = data; var propertyLocation = new google.maps.LatLng( propertyMarkerInfo.latitude, propertyMarkerInfo.longitude ); /** * Street View */ var panoramaOptions = { position: propertyLocation, pov: { heading: 34, pitch: 10 } }; var panorama = new google.maps.StreetViewPanorama( document.getElementById( id ), panoramaOptions ); google.maps.event.trigger( panorama, 'resize' ); } $( '.property-preview-map' ).each( function () { new GooglemapSingle( $( this ).data(), $( this ).attr( 'id' ) ); } ); $( '.tab-google-street-view-btn' ).click( function () { $( '.property-preview-street-map' ).hide(); $( '.property-preview-street-map' ).each( function () { var d = $( this ).data(); var i = $( this ).attr( 'id' ); initialize_property_street_view( d, i ); } ); $( '.property-preview-street-map' ).show( 100 ); } ); /// // auto set height for split google map $( '.split-maps-container' ).each( function () { $( '#opalestate-map-preview ' ).height( $( window ).height() ); } ); } ); $( document ).ready( function () { // search // show google maps // update google maps var updatePreviewGoogleMap = function ( url ) { if ( $( '#opalestate-map-preview' ).length > 0 ) { $.ajax( { type: 'GET', dataType: 'json', url: opalesateJS.ajaxurl, data: url, success: function ( data ) { new GoogleMapSearch( data ); } } ); } }; if ( $( '#opalestate-map-preview' ).length > 0 || $( '.opalesate-properties-results' ).length 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It will not work if there are disabled elements in select.*/ floatWidth: 400, /* Screen width of device at which the list is rendered in floating popup fashion.*/ forceCustomRendering: false, /* force the custom modal on all devices below floatWidth resolution.*/ nativeOnDevice: ['Android', 'BlackBerry', 'iPhone', 'iPad', 'iPod', 'Opera Mini', 'IEMobile', 'Silk'], outputAsCSV: false, /* true to POST data as csv ( false for Html control array ie. default select )*/ csvSepChar: ',', /* separation char in csv mode*/ okCancelInMulti: false, /* display ok cancel buttons in desktop mode multiselect also.*/ isClickAwayOk: false, /* for okCancelInMulti=true. sets whether click outside will trigger Ok or Cancel (default is cancel).*/ triggerChangeCombined: true, /* im multi select mode whether to trigger change event on individual selection or combined selection.*/ selectAll: false, /* to display select all button in multiselect mode.|| also select all will not be available on mobile devices.*/ search: false, /* to display input for filtering content. selectAlltext will be input text placeholder*/ searchText: 'Search...', /* placeholder for search input*/ noMatch: 'No matches for "{0}"', prefix: '', /* some prefix usually the field name. eg. 'Hello'*/ locale: ['OK', 'Cancel', 'Select All'], /* all text that is used. don't change the index.*/ up: false, /* set true to open upside.*/ showTitle: true /* set to false to prevent title (tooltip) from appearing*/ }, options); var ret = this.each(function () { var selObj = this; /* the original select object.*/ if (this.sumo || !$(this).is('select')) return; /* already initialized*/ this.sumo = { E: $(selObj), /* the jquery object of original select element.*/ is_multi: $(selObj).attr('multiple'), /* if its a multiple select*/ select: '', caption: '', placeholder: '', optDiv: '', CaptionCont: '', ul:'', is_floating: false, is_opened: false, /* backdrop: '', */ mob:false, /* if to open device default select */ Pstate: [], createElems: function () { var O = this; O.E.wrap('